Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Director's Show Proposal

Ellison Drama
Student Directed One Act Proposal

Director's Proposal – Due 10:00am April 5 (via Student Vault)
FORMATIVE – 100% (each underlined category = 12.5%)
Director: ____________________
Phone number & Email
Proposal Due: _________________________
I.) Proposed Show:
·       Title, Author
·       Publisher
·       Any restrictions on performance?
·       Any cuts due to time, content, or language? (You MUST take out anything that is not classroom appropriate.  No exceptions.  See Ms. Yanchak with any questions.)
·       Synopsis of the show written in full sentences.  The synopsis should include setting, plot, and main characters.

II.) Casting requirements
·       List the characters. 
·       Give a brief physical description of each character.
·       What is MOST important about each character?

III.)Technical Requirements
    1. Scenic Design
Where does the show take place, and what items are needed to set the scene?
    1. Props
List all props, even furniture.
    1. Costumes
List all characters and their costume requirements.
    1. Sound/Music
List all sounds/music required/indicated by the script.
List any music that you feel is appropriate for the show, and tell WHY you feel it is needed.
    1. Lights
What areas of the stage will need to be lit?  Why?  Are there any special lighting effects required, and if so, what are they?
    1. Special Effects
Any other special effects required (including any stage combat).
    1. Make-up
List all characters and their makeup requirements.  If only basic stage makeup is required, write “BASIC” for that character.

IV.) Production Calendar
    A) Rehearsal Schedule
                  A. List all possible rehearsal dates and what you plan to work on each week. This will change, of course, after casting due to actor’s conflicts.  Pay close attention to your schedules.  You will need to discuss this as a GROUP OF DIRECTORS, as space and time is limited.  The ideal situation would be for the productions to be ready to perform THREE DAYS before performance date. (It may help to format this as a calendar with the start date April 9 or 10.)
            B. In addition, you and the cast and crew will be required to schedule ONE tech rehearsal between April 28-30, and participate in dress/tech rehearsal on May 1 AFTER SCHOOL from 4:25-6pm.  No exceptions.
C.) Performance Dates
      Friday, May 2 and Saturday, May 3 at 7pm
      Cast/crew party to follow Saturday performance in cafeteria until approximately 10pm

V.) Proposed Production Run-Crew Needs
What will your run crew (which will be a cast of another show) need to do before/during/after the show?  How many people do you need? 
VI.) Production Budget
    1. Books, music, & Royalties
      1. List cost of royalties per performance
      2. Any other additional cost related to script/royalties
    1. Set Construction
       1. List any set construction costs (should be minimal if any)
    1. Costumes & Props
      1. List any incidental costume/prop costs (hats/wigs/accessories)
    2. Lighting/Sound
      1. Should need no equipment beyond what theatre owns. Describe any effects or music you think you'll need.
    3. Make-up
      1. List any makeup needs beyond BASIC makeup
    4. Publicity
      1. Posters – how many?
      2. Big Posters – how many, if any?
      3. Newspaper contact – who will contact and when?
      4. List any incidental publicity costs (what are we paying for?)
    5. Total estimated budget
      1. Total all costs (publicity, makeup, lighting/sound, costumes, props, set pieces, scripts & royalties)
VII.) Promotional Ideas
            List any and all promotion ideas you have for this student directed production.  (In other words, how will you advertise?)

VIII.) Reasons to do this show
      In one or two COMPLETE paragraphs, tell your producer (aka Ms. Yanchak & Ms. Lyssy) why this production should be produced here at Ellison Drama.  Please take into account our high school audience AND the families that come to see you perform.

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